
Reply to ze Monkey

Ok, this is kind of what I'm saying here.

When did Saddam have "Weapons of Mass Destruction"? We haven't found them yet, maybe south park is correct and Saddam is making chocolate factories that look like missile silos in the sky. No. No missile was ever found. The only thing Saddam did, he dumped nuclear waste in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and he killed a ton of people.

America is the best in virtually everything. Ok, how are we the best? Is it because we have technology? Sorry, Tokyo is in the year 3000 and we are somewhere behind. Is it because we have the largest economy? Sorry, Monte Carlo makes more money than us and the place is the size of about Rhode Island. Is it because we have the most nuclear missiles? To some, yes, but to Iran who looks at us with insane eyes and they can obliterate us at any moments with their WMD's that WE GAVE THEM, so no. Isolationism policy kind of existed in WWII, we just wanted to stay out of it. We did give some supplies, so technically we didn't follow exact protocol. Japan for years did. Nobody was allowed in or out of the country. That's the idea of Isolationism. We were attack at Pearl Harbor, for reasons I have no idea about. Do you think that if we Isolate ourselves from the world, we will be attacked? Do we have to do the kicking, so that others won't kick back?

And to answer your question, I would love to help people in South Africa, but that's not the US's job, no, that went to the United Nations. They had control over that situation.


Anonymous said...

1. We thought Saddam had WMD's. Our intelligence pointed that he did. It appears to have been wrong, however we can only act on our intelligence. The main problem with Iraq, is that we went in without strong intelligence and played with it to make it look stronger than it was, and we really thought they had WMD's so sort of made it look like "slam dunk" evidence when it was far from the fact. That was a huge mistake, and led us into this war; just be careful when you judge past decisions on hindsight bias.

America isn't the best in virtually everything. Poverty, Median Income, Gini Score, Education, Tolerance, etc. etc. not to mention subjective qualities such as "beauty" or "tradition" or "history" or "quality of life". The US GDP is 85x that of Morocco (of which Monte Carlo is one of the I believe four quarters). Tokyo is in the year 3000? Tokyo is cool, but compared to New york. Subjective.

Are we talking about best? Or military power? Military power we trump.

We didn't give Iran "true" WMD's; and they don't have Nukes right now. (WMD's define a lot of weapons).

UN is weak, and technically South Africa is the African Unions Job as well, which is also weak. We more or less make up all the power of the UN anyways. A deep throat said, "Just follow the money" and you will see what keeps the UN running.

Should we help those in need. I think so. Should I help those in need? I think so as well, which is why you can actually make a difference in world issues... even if it is ever so small it is a difference (and don't limit yourself to that, people shape history and single individuals can change it in the blink of an eye).

Junior Life Scientist said...

In response to "the shadow," hasn't it recently been speculated now that the United States of America also misrepresented the USSR in the Cold War? That perhaps they weren't our equal in technological regards. I understand your play that hindsight is 20/20, so they say, but if it's a reoccurring theme, maybe that says a little something about our government.

And as for our military power, we primarily built it up for the protection of ourselves. In the Cold War, however, the threat of communism was too great on our Democratic roots and we decided that our protection meant abolishing communist countries. To personify our nation a little bit, we were a scared adolescent with a little bit of a self-esteem problem who had a hard time realizing that other people believe things different that it.

The point is, eventually there was a point where the United States turned from defense to offense, thinking that by interfering with other countries we were being humane. That perhaps fighting wars, killing Americans and other humans was "humane."

To quote a brilliant man (Tommy Corn) "But how did Sudan happen, ma'am? Could it possibly be related to dictatorships that we support for some stupid reason?" In light of this, let's just mind our freaking business. We don't have the authority to police the world; America doesn't rule by divine right.

Anonymous said...

"...went to the United Nations. They had control over that situation."


hahaha o ye po boi

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