
Late night and I need to type

Well, it's about 12:44 right now, kind of bored and I'm watching TV on Veoh, but I have been thinking about something.

What is going on with the idea that you can sue anybody you want? I mean, a couple of years ago a woman spilled hot coffee on her lap, and she sued McDonalds for a crap load of money...and she WON. How was it McD's fault? I mean, I don't like em, but it doesn't mean that they are to blame. American people have just gone stupid. People *yes I do it too* blame others for so many reasons, but why? We seem to need to blame others for our own actions. I wonder if I saw a car accident, could I sue the person who caused it because I could? That makes no sense, but I know somebody would. American's have been spoiled by the idea of Freedom and Democracy, and this has led to our country, going haywire. I say we move to Canada, they are just like us, only with better rules..


Junior Life Scientist said...

Yes. A wise man once said "Just because you can say something doesn't mean that you should."

In this regard, Freedom doesn't mean that we have to do everything just because it's legal and we can get away with it. To think that we can do things without hurting or affecting other people is probably naive at best.

Anonymous said...

Australia > Canada if you are looking for a place like the U.S but unlike the U.S.

Blog Info

This blog is simply for me to let loose some demons somehow... feel free to comment, want to see what people think about my ideas. Thanks

**Update** I have invited some friends of mine who personally, I know deep down inside they are incredibly smart, but like me, act stupid 99% of the time. If they piss you off, tell it in a comment, and they shall feel my wrath! Thanks, keep up the comments!

*PLEASE READ* Just a warning, got it from a reader, yes there is vulgar language in this blog, so if you read it...shouldn't hurt you. Just giving out a warning.