Wow, it has been a VERY long time since I have been here. Oh well, i've finally put my videos on rants, so now, I have v-rants! Yay. Enjoy
i'm back
It's been a while. Can't even use my own usual text rofl. Just a quick update, hey how you doing, blah blah blah, I'm totally out of it. Don't really want to rant right now. Goodnight.
Update, sorry
Sorry I've been gone so long, just busy and whatnot. Now I have some time, and I've done some thinking, I think I can post something juicy now.
For some time now, I've been doing some thinking about humans, as to wether we deserve to live or not on this planet. I could take quotes from movies or shows, but I'll just use some little bits of information.
First off, why do we humans even deserve to have Earth? What do we do to repay this planet for letting us live here? I mean, not to look at the situation like a tree hugger (which I am) but we destroy habitats, use up the planet's resources, and we choke the planet itself in gases that rips it apart. It just seems that we don't deserve jack, we just take in whatever we want and kill it. Humans and our society, suck.
To quickly understand why humans suck, we need to see what humans are. Humans are mammals who have "evolved" past the animalistic ways of beasts. In reality, we haven't evolved past jack. Humans have three essential needs, and no, these aren't the needs such as food, clothing, and a house, no these are psychological needs.
Dominance: Humans need to be in control of things, they need to be better than others. If they are either right, or if they are justified, they will go to war with somebody else. Humans need war, there is no way that war will ever go away if humans stay on this planet. True, animals do fight for dominance sometimes, but they don't have the ability to blow up the planet with a push of a button, in which we do. Maybe humans can push away from war, if all weapons are destroyed and the desire of war is plunged from their hearts, however do you know how hard it is to do something like that? You would need to publically show a war on a biblical scale, two forces fighting against one another in a bloodbath of pure hatred. War can be beautiful, but because of us humans and the ability to destroy others with a push of a button, it ruins the beauty of violence. It is a natural human instinct, we need to live with War.
Control: Humans need to be controlled. They can't live with the fact that their lives are not controlled by some un-earthly being. In other words, humans don't believe in chaos, they want to believe that control is possible throughout the universe. I've talked with some people who are fervent religious believers, not zealots, but firm followers of their religion, and they have said that they want their lives to be controlled, that they want something to decide what happens to them. It is how religion was born, the fact that humans didn't know how to place control over things they didn't understand, so, god was born.
Sex: Ahh, I knew I would eventually reach this topic. It's very simple, Humans need sex. They can't live without the fact that they need to reproduce. The idea of sex could start from a young age, or it could start at an older age. People think that humans are more advanced because they don't have sex just to reproduce, just like animals. No, we are better because we have sex for fun. To me, that's the most rediculous idea ever thought of. Sure, I haven't had sex yet, but in a way, I'm damn proud that I haven't had it yet. I'm not waiting for a certain time, I just don't really care when it happens. However, when I look around at my peers, it seems that many of them are already moving towards sex, but what's funny is that they think that having sex makes them older than others. Humans are animals.
I've thought about this for some time, after a while I've learned that I hate humans, I hate myself for being a human, and I wish sometime sthat humans didn't exist. But, we do, and there is nothing that I could do that could replace humans on this planet. Humans are here until we destroy ourselves in our own ego's and in our own tools of war.
For some time now, I've been doing some thinking about humans, as to wether we deserve to live or not on this planet. I could take quotes from movies or shows, but I'll just use some little bits of information.
First off, why do we humans even deserve to have Earth? What do we do to repay this planet for letting us live here? I mean, not to look at the situation like a tree hugger (which I am) but we destroy habitats, use up the planet's resources, and we choke the planet itself in gases that rips it apart. It just seems that we don't deserve jack, we just take in whatever we want and kill it. Humans and our society, suck.
To quickly understand why humans suck, we need to see what humans are. Humans are mammals who have "evolved" past the animalistic ways of beasts. In reality, we haven't evolved past jack. Humans have three essential needs, and no, these aren't the needs such as food, clothing, and a house, no these are psychological needs.
Dominance: Humans need to be in control of things, they need to be better than others. If they are either right, or if they are justified, they will go to war with somebody else. Humans need war, there is no way that war will ever go away if humans stay on this planet. True, animals do fight for dominance sometimes, but they don't have the ability to blow up the planet with a push of a button, in which we do. Maybe humans can push away from war, if all weapons are destroyed and the desire of war is plunged from their hearts, however do you know how hard it is to do something like that? You would need to publically show a war on a biblical scale, two forces fighting against one another in a bloodbath of pure hatred. War can be beautiful, but because of us humans and the ability to destroy others with a push of a button, it ruins the beauty of violence. It is a natural human instinct, we need to live with War.
Control: Humans need to be controlled. They can't live with the fact that their lives are not controlled by some un-earthly being. In other words, humans don't believe in chaos, they want to believe that control is possible throughout the universe. I've talked with some people who are fervent religious believers, not zealots, but firm followers of their religion, and they have said that they want their lives to be controlled, that they want something to decide what happens to them. It is how religion was born, the fact that humans didn't know how to place control over things they didn't understand, so, god was born.
Sex: Ahh, I knew I would eventually reach this topic. It's very simple, Humans need sex. They can't live without the fact that they need to reproduce. The idea of sex could start from a young age, or it could start at an older age. People think that humans are more advanced because they don't have sex just to reproduce, just like animals. No, we are better because we have sex for fun. To me, that's the most rediculous idea ever thought of. Sure, I haven't had sex yet, but in a way, I'm damn proud that I haven't had it yet. I'm not waiting for a certain time, I just don't really care when it happens. However, when I look around at my peers, it seems that many of them are already moving towards sex, but what's funny is that they think that having sex makes them older than others. Humans are animals.
I've thought about this for some time, after a while I've learned that I hate humans, I hate myself for being a human, and I wish sometime sthat humans didn't exist. But, we do, and there is nothing that I could do that could replace humans on this planet. Humans are here until we destroy ourselves in our own ego's and in our own tools of war.
Bush Speech
So I've been looking around for a text of the May 20, 2008 speech given by president bush, and I finally found one. I'm going to paste it, then comment.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Deputy Secretary England, thanks for the introduction. One boss may not be here, but the other one is. (Laughter.) I appreciate your kind words. I'm pleased to be back here with the men and women of the Defense Department.
On this day in 2003, the United States began Operation Iraqi Freedom. As the campaign unfolded, tens and thousands of our troops poured across the Iraqi border to liberate the Iraqi people and remove a regime that threatened free nations.Five years into this battle, there is an understandable debate over whether the war was worth fighting, whether the fight is worth winning, and whether we can win it. The answers are clear to me: Removing Saddam Hussein from power was the right decision -- and this is a fight America can and must win.
The men and women who crossed into Iraq five years ago removed a tyrant, liberated a country, and rescued millions from unspeakable horrors. Some of those troops are with us today, and you need to know that the American people are proud of your accomplishment -- and so is the Commander in Chief. (Applause.)
I appreciate Admiral Mullen, the Joint Chiefs who are here. Thanks for coming. Secretary Donald Winter of the Navy. Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte is with us. Admiral Thad Allen of the Coast Guard is with us. Ambassador from Iraq is with us -- Mr. Ambassador, we're proud to have you here. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and Coastmen -- Coast Guardmen [sic], thanks for coming, thanks for wearing the uniform. Men and women of the Department of State are here as well.
Operation Iraqi Freedom was a remarkable display of military effectiveness. Forces from the UK, Australia, Poland and other allies joined our troops in the initial operations. As they advanced, our troops fought their way through sand storms so intense that they blackened the daytime sky. Our troops engaged in pitched battles with the Fedayeen Saddam -- death squads acting on the orders of Saddam Hussein that obeyed neither the conventions of war nor the dictates of conscience. These death squads hid in schools and they hid in hospitals, hoping to draw fire against Iraqi civilians. They used women and children as human shields. They stopped at nothing in their efforts to prevent us from prevailing -- but they couldn't stop the coalition advance.
Aided by the most effective and precise air campaign in history, coalition forces raced across 350 miles of enemy territory -- destroying Republican Guard Divisions, pushing through the Karbala Gap, capturing Saddam International Airport, and liberating Baghdad in less than one month. Along the way, our troops added new chapters to the story of American military heroism. During these first weeks of battle, Army Sergeant First Class Paul Ray Smith and his troops came under a surprise attack by about a hundred Republican Guard forces. Sergeant Smith rallied his men; he led a counterattack -- killing as many as 50 enemy soldiers before being fatally wounded. His actions saved the lives of more than a hundred American troops -- and earned him the Medal of Honor.
Today, in light of the challenges we have faced in Iraq, some look back and call this period the easy part of the war. Yet there was nothing easy about it. The liberation of Iraq took incredible skill and amazing courage. And the speed, precision and brilliant execution of the campaign will be studied by military historians for years to come.
What our troops found in Iraq following Saddam's removal was horrifying. They uncovered children's prisons, and torture chambers, and rape rooms where Iraqi women were violated in front of their families. They found videos showing regime thugs mutilating Iraqis deemed disloyal to Saddam. And across the Iraqi countryside they uncovered mass graves of thousands executed by the regime.
Because we acted, Saddam Hussein no longer fills fields with the remains of innocent men, women and children. Because we acted, Saddam's torture chambers and rape rooms and children's prisons have been closed for good. Because we acted, Saddam's regime is no longer invading its neighbors or attacking them with chemical weapons and ballistic missiles. Because we acted, Saddam's regime is no longer paying the families of suicide bombers in the Holy Land. Because we acted, Saddam's regime is no longer shooting at American and British aircraft patrolling the no-fly zones and defying the will of the United Nations. Because we acted, the world is better and United States of America is safer. (Applause.)
When the Iraqi regime was removed, it did not lay down its arms and surrender. Instead, former regime elements took off their uniforms and faded into the countryside to fight the emergence of a free Iraq. And then they were joined by foreign terrorists who were seeking to stop the advance of liberty in the Middle East and seeking to establish safe havens from which to plot new attacks across the world.
The battle in Iraq has been longer and harder and more costly than we anticipated -- but it is a fight we must win. So our troops have engaged these enemies with courage and determination. And as they've battled the terrorists and extremists in Iraq, they have helped the Iraqi people reclaim their nation, and helped a young democracy rise from the rubble of Saddam Hussein's tyranny.
Over the past five years, we have seen moments of triumph and moments of tragedy. We have watched in admiration as 12 million Iraqis defied the terrorists and went to the polls, and chose their leaders in free elections. We have watched in horror as al Qaeda beheaded innocent captives, and sent suicide bombers to blow up mosques and markets. These actions show the brutal nature of the enemy in Iraq. And they serve as a grim reminder: The terrorists who murder the innocent in the streets of Baghdad want to murder the innocent in the streets of America. Defeating this enemy in Iraq will make it less likely that we'll face the enemy here at home.
A little over a year ago, the fight in Iraq was faltering. Extremist elements were succeeding in their efforts to plunge Iraq into chaos. They had established safe havens in many parts of the country. They were creating divisions among the Iraqis along sectarian lines. And their strategy of using violence in Iraq to cause divisions in America was working -- as pressures built here in Washington for withdrawal before the job was done.
My administration understood that America could not retreat in the face of terror. And we knew that if we did not act, the violence that had been consuming Iraq would worsen, and spread, and could eventually reach genocidal levels. Baghdad could have disintegrated into a contagion of killing, and Iraq could have descended into full-blown sectarian warfare.
So we reviewed the strategy -- and changed course in Iraq. We sent reinforcements into the country in a dramatic policy shift that is now known as "the surge." General David Petraeus took command with a new mission: Work with Iraqi forces to protect the Iraqi people, pressure [sic] the enemy into strongholds, and deny the terrorists sanctuary anywhere in the country. And that is precisely what we have done.
In Anbar, Sunni tribal leaders had grown tired of al Qaeda's brutality and started a popular uprising, called the "Anbar Awakening." To take advantage of this opportunity, we sent 4,000 additional Marines to help these brave Iraqis drive al Qaeda from the province. As this effort succeeded, it inspired other Iraqis to take up the fight. Soon similar uprisings began to spread across the country. Today there are more than 90,000 concerned local citizens who are protecting their communities from the terrorists and insurgents and the extremists. The government in Baghdad has stepped forward with a surge of its own -- they've added more than 100,000 new Iraqi soldiers and police during the past year. These Iraqi troops have fought bravely, and thousands have given their lives in this struggle.
Together, these Americans and Iraqi forces have driven the terrorists from many of the sanctuaries they once held. Now the terrorists have gathered in and around the northern Iraqi city of Mosul -- and Iraqi and American forces are relentlessly pursuing them. There will be tough fighting in Mosul and areas of northern Iraq in the weeks ahead. But there's no doubt in my mind, because of the courage of our troops and the bravery of the Iraqis, the al Qaeda terrorists in this region will suffer the same fate as al Qaeda suffered elsewhere in Iraq.
As we have fought al Qaeda, coalition and Iraqi forces have also taken the fight to Shia extremist groups -- many of them backed and financed and armed by Iran. A year ago these groups were on the rise. Today, they are increasingly isolated, and Iraqis of all faiths are putting their lives on the line to stop these extremists from hijacking their young democracy.
To ensure that military progress in Iraq is quickly followed up with real improvements in daily life, we have doubled the number of provincial reconstruction teams in Iraq. These teams of civilian experts are serving all Iraqi -- 18 Iraqi provinces, and they're helping to strengthen responsible leaders, and build up local economies, and bring Iraqis together so that reconciliation can happen from the ground up. They're very effective. They're helping give ordinary Iraqis confidence that by rejecting the extremists and reconciling with one another, they can claim their place in a free Iraq -- and build better lives for their families.
There's still hard work to be done in Iraq. The gains we have made are fragile and reversible. But on this anniversary, the American people should know that since the surge began, the level of violence is significantly down, civilian deaths are down, sectarian killings are down, attacks on American forces are down. We have captured or killed thousands of extremists in Iraq, including hundreds of key al Qaeda leaders and operatives. Our men and women in uniform are performing with characteristic honor and valor. The surge is working. And as a return on our success in Iraq, we've begun bringing some of our troops home.
The surge has done more than turn the situation in Iraq around -- it has opened the door to a major strategic victory in the broader war on terror. For the terrorists, Iraq was supposed to be the place where al Qaeda rallied Arab masses to drive America out. Instead, Iraq has become the place where Arabs joined with Americans to drive al Qaeda out. In Iraq, we are witnessing the first large-scale Arab uprising against Osama bin Laden, his grim ideology, and his murderous network. And the significance of this development cannot be overstated.
The terrorist movement feeds on a sense of inevitability, and claims to rise on the tide of history. The accomplishments of the surge in Iraq are exposing this myth and discrediting the extremists. When Iraqi and American forces finish the job, the effects will reverberate far beyond Iraq's borders. Osama bin Laden once said: "When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse." By defeating al Qaeda in Iraq, we will show the world that al Qaeda is the weak horse. (Applause.) We will show that men and women who love liberty can defeat the terrorists. And we will show that the future of the Middle East does not belong to terror -- the future of the Middle East belongs to freedom.
The challenge in the period ahead is to consolidate the gains we have made and seal the extremists' defeat. We have learned through hard experience what happens when we pull our forces back too fast -- the terrorists and extremists step in, they fill vacuums, establish safe havens, and use them to spread chaos and carnage. General Petraeus has warned that too fast a drawdown could result in such an unraveling -- with al Qaeda and insurgents and militia extremists regaining lost ground and increasing violence.
Men and women of the Armed Forces: Having come so far, and achieved so much, we're not going to let this to happen.
Next month, General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker will come to Washington to testify before Congress. I will await their recommendations before making decisions on our troop levels in Iraq. Any further drawdown will be based on conditions on the ground and the recommendations of our commanders -- and they must not jeopardize the hard-fought gains our troops and civilians have made over the past year.
The successes we are seeing in Iraq are undeniable -- yet some in Washington still call for retreat. War critics can no longer credibly argue that we're losing in Iraq -- so now they argue the war costs too much. In recent months we've heard exaggerated estimates of the costs of this war. No one would argue that this war has not come at a high cost in lives and treasure -- but those costs are necessary when we consider the cost of a strategic victory for our enemies in Iraq.
If we were to allow our enemies to prevail in Iraq, the violence that is now declining would accelerate -- and Iraq would descend into chaos. Al Qaeda would regain its lost sanctuaries and establish new ones -- fomenting violence and terror that could spread beyond Iraq's borders, with serious consequences for the world's economy.
Out of such chaos in Iraq, the terrorist movement could emerge emboldened -- with new recruits, new resources, and an even greater determination to dominate the region and harm America. An emboldened al Qaeda with access to Iraq's oil resources could pursue its ambitions to acquire weapons of mass destruction to attack America and other free nations. Iran would be emboldened as well -- with a renewed determination to develop nuclear weapons and impose its brand of hegemony across the Middle East. Our enemies would see an America -- an American failure in Iraq as evidence of weakness and a lack of resolve.
To allow this to happen would be to ignore the lessons of September the 11th and make it more likely that America would suffer another attack like the one we experienced that day -- a day in which 19 armed men with box cutters killed nearly 3,000 people in our -- on our soil; a day after which in the following of that attack more than one million Americans lost work, lost their jobs. The terrorists intend even greater harm to our country. And we have no greater responsibility than to defeat our enemies across the world so that they cannot carry out such an attack.
As our coalition fights the enemy in Iraq, we've stayed on the offensive on other fronts in the war on terror. Just a few weeks before commencing Operation Iraqi Freedom, U.S. forces captured Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind the September the 11th terrorist attacks; we got him in Pakistan. About the same time as we launched Operation Iraqi Freedom, coalition forces, thousands of -- hundreds of miles away launched an assault on the terrorists in the mountains of southern Afghanistan in an operation called Operation Valiant Strike.
Throughout the war on terror, we have brought the enemy -- we have fought the enemy on every single battlefront. And so long as the terrorist danger remains, the United States of America will continue to fight the enemy wherever it makes its stand. (Applause.) We will stay on the offense.
But in the long run, defeating the terrorists requires an alternative to their murderous ideology. And there we have another advantage -- we've got a singular advantage with our military when it comes to finding the terrorists and bringing them to justice. And we have another advantage in our strong belief in the transformative power of liberty.
So we're helping the people of Iraq establish a democracy in the heart of the Middle East. A free Iraq will fight terrorists instead of harboring them. A free Iraq will be an example for others of the power of liberty to change the societies and to displace despair with hope. By spreading the hope of liberty in the Middle East, we will help free societies take root -- and when they do, freedom will yield the peace that we all desire.
Our troops on the front lines understand what is at stake. They know that the mission in Iraq has been difficult and has been trying for our nation -- because they're the ones who've carried most of the burdens. They are all volunteers, who have stepped forward to defend America in a time of danger -- and some of them have gone out of their way to return to the fight.
One of these brave Americans is a Marine Gunnery Sergeant named William "Spanky" Gibson. In May of 2006 in Ramadi, a terrorist sniper's bullet ripped through his left knee -- doctors then amputated his leg. After months of difficult rehabilitation, Spanky was not only walking -- he was training for triathlons.
Last year, at the "Escape from Alcatraz" swim near San Francisco, he met Marine General James Mattis, who asked if there's anything he could do for him. Spanky had just one request: He asked to re-deploy to Iraq. Today he's serving in Fallujah -- the first full-leg amputee to return to the front lines. Here's what he says about his decision to return: The Iraqis are where we were 232 years ago as a nation. Now they're starting a new nation, and that's one of my big reasons for coming back here. I wanted to tell the people of this country that I'm back to help wherever I can.
When Americans like Spanky Gibson serve on our side, the enemy in Iraq doesn't got a chance. We're grateful to all the brave men and women of our military who have served the cause of freedom. You've done the hard work, far from home and from your loved ones. We give thanks for all our military families who love you and have supported you in this mission.
We appreciate the fine civilians from many departments who serve alongside you. Many of you served in Iraq and Afghanistan -- and some have been on these fronts several times. You will never forget the people who fought at your side. You will always remember the comrades who served with you in combat [but] did not make the journey home. America remembers them as well. More than 4,400 men and women have given their lives in the war on terror. We'll pray for their families. We'll always honor their memory.
The best way we can honor them is by making sure that their sacrifice was not in vain. Five years ago tonight, I promised the American people that in the struggle ahead "we will accept no outcome but victory." Today, standing before men and women who helped liberate a nation, I reaffirm the commitment. The battle in Iraq is noble, it is necessary, and it is just. And with your courage, the battle in Iraq will end in victory. God bless.
Ok...I'm looking at this right now, no way in hell I'm going to be able to comment all of this in the time I have, so I'll try to squeeze it in :P
To start, Bush says that we began operation Iraqi Freedom on *May 20* 2003. Technically, a month after 9/11, we were dropping bombs on Iraq. So we really went to war in 2001...but ok.
Iraqi Freedom was a remarkable display of Military Coalition... Really? What I've heard from US soldiers *I've read some of their blogs* is that they go from town to town searching for any insurgents, and eliminate the enemy. Sometimes they get ambushed, then they again fight the enemy. I wouldn't say there is strict organization, just walking and hoping to find somebody who is pointing a gun at you seems to work (and it does)
American Military Heroism. This is an interesting phrase. People used to not JOIN the military, but they were FORCED to. I wouldn't say that it's heroism, it's just survival of the fittest. The soldiers in Iraq will either kill, or be killed, very simple. In war there are no heroes, there are you and your fellow soldiers. Movies *such as saving private ryan* show heroism in war, but that's just fake hollywood. There are no war heroes, only war veterans.
"Some look back and call this the easy part of the war" Who? I haven't heard that one yet.
Ok, I agree with bush here, something needed to be done about Saddam. He was a dictator, he was crazy, I'll give ya that.
"Because we acted, the United States is safer" were we in a threat? We may have been hit during 9/11 but again, not Iraqi's, terrorists *I'm still open to sugguestions on that* was America in a state of danger?
"People ran to the hills and fought against an emergence of a free Iraq." Not really. I wasn't one of them, but looking at this at a different angle, it may have been that they were fighting against the US coming in and making the Iraqi government into another clone of american "democracy"
well it's not much, but still I'll add on to it. Enjoy :D
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Deputy Secretary England, thanks for the introduction. One boss may not be here, but the other one is. (Laughter.) I appreciate your kind words. I'm pleased to be back here with the men and women of the Defense Department.
On this day in 2003, the United States began Operation Iraqi Freedom. As the campaign unfolded, tens and thousands of our troops poured across the Iraqi border to liberate the Iraqi people and remove a regime that threatened free nations.Five years into this battle, there is an understandable debate over whether the war was worth fighting, whether the fight is worth winning, and whether we can win it. The answers are clear to me: Removing Saddam Hussein from power was the right decision -- and this is a fight America can and must win.
The men and women who crossed into Iraq five years ago removed a tyrant, liberated a country, and rescued millions from unspeakable horrors. Some of those troops are with us today, and you need to know that the American people are proud of your accomplishment -- and so is the Commander in Chief. (Applause.)
I appreciate Admiral Mullen, the Joint Chiefs who are here. Thanks for coming. Secretary Donald Winter of the Navy. Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte is with us. Admiral Thad Allen of the Coast Guard is with us. Ambassador from Iraq is with us -- Mr. Ambassador, we're proud to have you here. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and Coastmen -- Coast Guardmen [sic], thanks for coming, thanks for wearing the uniform. Men and women of the Department of State are here as well.
Operation Iraqi Freedom was a remarkable display of military effectiveness. Forces from the UK, Australia, Poland and other allies joined our troops in the initial operations. As they advanced, our troops fought their way through sand storms so intense that they blackened the daytime sky. Our troops engaged in pitched battles with the Fedayeen Saddam -- death squads acting on the orders of Saddam Hussein that obeyed neither the conventions of war nor the dictates of conscience. These death squads hid in schools and they hid in hospitals, hoping to draw fire against Iraqi civilians. They used women and children as human shields. They stopped at nothing in their efforts to prevent us from prevailing -- but they couldn't stop the coalition advance.
Aided by the most effective and precise air campaign in history, coalition forces raced across 350 miles of enemy territory -- destroying Republican Guard Divisions, pushing through the Karbala Gap, capturing Saddam International Airport, and liberating Baghdad in less than one month. Along the way, our troops added new chapters to the story of American military heroism. During these first weeks of battle, Army Sergeant First Class Paul Ray Smith and his troops came under a surprise attack by about a hundred Republican Guard forces. Sergeant Smith rallied his men; he led a counterattack -- killing as many as 50 enemy soldiers before being fatally wounded. His actions saved the lives of more than a hundred American troops -- and earned him the Medal of Honor.
Today, in light of the challenges we have faced in Iraq, some look back and call this period the easy part of the war. Yet there was nothing easy about it. The liberation of Iraq took incredible skill and amazing courage. And the speed, precision and brilliant execution of the campaign will be studied by military historians for years to come.
What our troops found in Iraq following Saddam's removal was horrifying. They uncovered children's prisons, and torture chambers, and rape rooms where Iraqi women were violated in front of their families. They found videos showing regime thugs mutilating Iraqis deemed disloyal to Saddam. And across the Iraqi countryside they uncovered mass graves of thousands executed by the regime.
Because we acted, Saddam Hussein no longer fills fields with the remains of innocent men, women and children. Because we acted, Saddam's torture chambers and rape rooms and children's prisons have been closed for good. Because we acted, Saddam's regime is no longer invading its neighbors or attacking them with chemical weapons and ballistic missiles. Because we acted, Saddam's regime is no longer paying the families of suicide bombers in the Holy Land. Because we acted, Saddam's regime is no longer shooting at American and British aircraft patrolling the no-fly zones and defying the will of the United Nations. Because we acted, the world is better and United States of America is safer. (Applause.)
When the Iraqi regime was removed, it did not lay down its arms and surrender. Instead, former regime elements took off their uniforms and faded into the countryside to fight the emergence of a free Iraq. And then they were joined by foreign terrorists who were seeking to stop the advance of liberty in the Middle East and seeking to establish safe havens from which to plot new attacks across the world.
The battle in Iraq has been longer and harder and more costly than we anticipated -- but it is a fight we must win. So our troops have engaged these enemies with courage and determination. And as they've battled the terrorists and extremists in Iraq, they have helped the Iraqi people reclaim their nation, and helped a young democracy rise from the rubble of Saddam Hussein's tyranny.
Over the past five years, we have seen moments of triumph and moments of tragedy. We have watched in admiration as 12 million Iraqis defied the terrorists and went to the polls, and chose their leaders in free elections. We have watched in horror as al Qaeda beheaded innocent captives, and sent suicide bombers to blow up mosques and markets. These actions show the brutal nature of the enemy in Iraq. And they serve as a grim reminder: The terrorists who murder the innocent in the streets of Baghdad want to murder the innocent in the streets of America. Defeating this enemy in Iraq will make it less likely that we'll face the enemy here at home.
A little over a year ago, the fight in Iraq was faltering. Extremist elements were succeeding in their efforts to plunge Iraq into chaos. They had established safe havens in many parts of the country. They were creating divisions among the Iraqis along sectarian lines. And their strategy of using violence in Iraq to cause divisions in America was working -- as pressures built here in Washington for withdrawal before the job was done.
My administration understood that America could not retreat in the face of terror. And we knew that if we did not act, the violence that had been consuming Iraq would worsen, and spread, and could eventually reach genocidal levels. Baghdad could have disintegrated into a contagion of killing, and Iraq could have descended into full-blown sectarian warfare.
So we reviewed the strategy -- and changed course in Iraq. We sent reinforcements into the country in a dramatic policy shift that is now known as "the surge." General David Petraeus took command with a new mission: Work with Iraqi forces to protect the Iraqi people, pressure [sic] the enemy into strongholds, and deny the terrorists sanctuary anywhere in the country. And that is precisely what we have done.
In Anbar, Sunni tribal leaders had grown tired of al Qaeda's brutality and started a popular uprising, called the "Anbar Awakening." To take advantage of this opportunity, we sent 4,000 additional Marines to help these brave Iraqis drive al Qaeda from the province. As this effort succeeded, it inspired other Iraqis to take up the fight. Soon similar uprisings began to spread across the country. Today there are more than 90,000 concerned local citizens who are protecting their communities from the terrorists and insurgents and the extremists. The government in Baghdad has stepped forward with a surge of its own -- they've added more than 100,000 new Iraqi soldiers and police during the past year. These Iraqi troops have fought bravely, and thousands have given their lives in this struggle.
Together, these Americans and Iraqi forces have driven the terrorists from many of the sanctuaries they once held. Now the terrorists have gathered in and around the northern Iraqi city of Mosul -- and Iraqi and American forces are relentlessly pursuing them. There will be tough fighting in Mosul and areas of northern Iraq in the weeks ahead. But there's no doubt in my mind, because of the courage of our troops and the bravery of the Iraqis, the al Qaeda terrorists in this region will suffer the same fate as al Qaeda suffered elsewhere in Iraq.
As we have fought al Qaeda, coalition and Iraqi forces have also taken the fight to Shia extremist groups -- many of them backed and financed and armed by Iran. A year ago these groups were on the rise. Today, they are increasingly isolated, and Iraqis of all faiths are putting their lives on the line to stop these extremists from hijacking their young democracy.
To ensure that military progress in Iraq is quickly followed up with real improvements in daily life, we have doubled the number of provincial reconstruction teams in Iraq. These teams of civilian experts are serving all Iraqi -- 18 Iraqi provinces, and they're helping to strengthen responsible leaders, and build up local economies, and bring Iraqis together so that reconciliation can happen from the ground up. They're very effective. They're helping give ordinary Iraqis confidence that by rejecting the extremists and reconciling with one another, they can claim their place in a free Iraq -- and build better lives for their families.
There's still hard work to be done in Iraq. The gains we have made are fragile and reversible. But on this anniversary, the American people should know that since the surge began, the level of violence is significantly down, civilian deaths are down, sectarian killings are down, attacks on American forces are down. We have captured or killed thousands of extremists in Iraq, including hundreds of key al Qaeda leaders and operatives. Our men and women in uniform are performing with characteristic honor and valor. The surge is working. And as a return on our success in Iraq, we've begun bringing some of our troops home.
The surge has done more than turn the situation in Iraq around -- it has opened the door to a major strategic victory in the broader war on terror. For the terrorists, Iraq was supposed to be the place where al Qaeda rallied Arab masses to drive America out. Instead, Iraq has become the place where Arabs joined with Americans to drive al Qaeda out. In Iraq, we are witnessing the first large-scale Arab uprising against Osama bin Laden, his grim ideology, and his murderous network. And the significance of this development cannot be overstated.
The terrorist movement feeds on a sense of inevitability, and claims to rise on the tide of history. The accomplishments of the surge in Iraq are exposing this myth and discrediting the extremists. When Iraqi and American forces finish the job, the effects will reverberate far beyond Iraq's borders. Osama bin Laden once said: "When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse." By defeating al Qaeda in Iraq, we will show the world that al Qaeda is the weak horse. (Applause.) We will show that men and women who love liberty can defeat the terrorists. And we will show that the future of the Middle East does not belong to terror -- the future of the Middle East belongs to freedom.
The challenge in the period ahead is to consolidate the gains we have made and seal the extremists' defeat. We have learned through hard experience what happens when we pull our forces back too fast -- the terrorists and extremists step in, they fill vacuums, establish safe havens, and use them to spread chaos and carnage. General Petraeus has warned that too fast a drawdown could result in such an unraveling -- with al Qaeda and insurgents and militia extremists regaining lost ground and increasing violence.
Men and women of the Armed Forces: Having come so far, and achieved so much, we're not going to let this to happen.
Next month, General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker will come to Washington to testify before Congress. I will await their recommendations before making decisions on our troop levels in Iraq. Any further drawdown will be based on conditions on the ground and the recommendations of our commanders -- and they must not jeopardize the hard-fought gains our troops and civilians have made over the past year.
The successes we are seeing in Iraq are undeniable -- yet some in Washington still call for retreat. War critics can no longer credibly argue that we're losing in Iraq -- so now they argue the war costs too much. In recent months we've heard exaggerated estimates of the costs of this war. No one would argue that this war has not come at a high cost in lives and treasure -- but those costs are necessary when we consider the cost of a strategic victory for our enemies in Iraq.
If we were to allow our enemies to prevail in Iraq, the violence that is now declining would accelerate -- and Iraq would descend into chaos. Al Qaeda would regain its lost sanctuaries and establish new ones -- fomenting violence and terror that could spread beyond Iraq's borders, with serious consequences for the world's economy.
Out of such chaos in Iraq, the terrorist movement could emerge emboldened -- with new recruits, new resources, and an even greater determination to dominate the region and harm America. An emboldened al Qaeda with access to Iraq's oil resources could pursue its ambitions to acquire weapons of mass destruction to attack America and other free nations. Iran would be emboldened as well -- with a renewed determination to develop nuclear weapons and impose its brand of hegemony across the Middle East. Our enemies would see an America -- an American failure in Iraq as evidence of weakness and a lack of resolve.
To allow this to happen would be to ignore the lessons of September the 11th and make it more likely that America would suffer another attack like the one we experienced that day -- a day in which 19 armed men with box cutters killed nearly 3,000 people in our -- on our soil; a day after which in the following of that attack more than one million Americans lost work, lost their jobs. The terrorists intend even greater harm to our country. And we have no greater responsibility than to defeat our enemies across the world so that they cannot carry out such an attack.
As our coalition fights the enemy in Iraq, we've stayed on the offensive on other fronts in the war on terror. Just a few weeks before commencing Operation Iraqi Freedom, U.S. forces captured Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind the September the 11th terrorist attacks; we got him in Pakistan. About the same time as we launched Operation Iraqi Freedom, coalition forces, thousands of -- hundreds of miles away launched an assault on the terrorists in the mountains of southern Afghanistan in an operation called Operation Valiant Strike.
Throughout the war on terror, we have brought the enemy -- we have fought the enemy on every single battlefront. And so long as the terrorist danger remains, the United States of America will continue to fight the enemy wherever it makes its stand. (Applause.) We will stay on the offense.
But in the long run, defeating the terrorists requires an alternative to their murderous ideology. And there we have another advantage -- we've got a singular advantage with our military when it comes to finding the terrorists and bringing them to justice. And we have another advantage in our strong belief in the transformative power of liberty.
So we're helping the people of Iraq establish a democracy in the heart of the Middle East. A free Iraq will fight terrorists instead of harboring them. A free Iraq will be an example for others of the power of liberty to change the societies and to displace despair with hope. By spreading the hope of liberty in the Middle East, we will help free societies take root -- and when they do, freedom will yield the peace that we all desire.
Our troops on the front lines understand what is at stake. They know that the mission in Iraq has been difficult and has been trying for our nation -- because they're the ones who've carried most of the burdens. They are all volunteers, who have stepped forward to defend America in a time of danger -- and some of them have gone out of their way to return to the fight.
One of these brave Americans is a Marine Gunnery Sergeant named William "Spanky" Gibson. In May of 2006 in Ramadi, a terrorist sniper's bullet ripped through his left knee -- doctors then amputated his leg. After months of difficult rehabilitation, Spanky was not only walking -- he was training for triathlons.
Last year, at the "Escape from Alcatraz" swim near San Francisco, he met Marine General James Mattis, who asked if there's anything he could do for him. Spanky had just one request: He asked to re-deploy to Iraq. Today he's serving in Fallujah -- the first full-leg amputee to return to the front lines. Here's what he says about his decision to return: The Iraqis are where we were 232 years ago as a nation. Now they're starting a new nation, and that's one of my big reasons for coming back here. I wanted to tell the people of this country that I'm back to help wherever I can.
When Americans like Spanky Gibson serve on our side, the enemy in Iraq doesn't got a chance. We're grateful to all the brave men and women of our military who have served the cause of freedom. You've done the hard work, far from home and from your loved ones. We give thanks for all our military families who love you and have supported you in this mission.
We appreciate the fine civilians from many departments who serve alongside you. Many of you served in Iraq and Afghanistan -- and some have been on these fronts several times. You will never forget the people who fought at your side. You will always remember the comrades who served with you in combat [but] did not make the journey home. America remembers them as well. More than 4,400 men and women have given their lives in the war on terror. We'll pray for their families. We'll always honor their memory.
The best way we can honor them is by making sure that their sacrifice was not in vain. Five years ago tonight, I promised the American people that in the struggle ahead "we will accept no outcome but victory." Today, standing before men and women who helped liberate a nation, I reaffirm the commitment. The battle in Iraq is noble, it is necessary, and it is just. And with your courage, the battle in Iraq will end in victory. God bless.
Ok...I'm looking at this right now, no way in hell I'm going to be able to comment all of this in the time I have, so I'll try to squeeze it in :P
To start, Bush says that we began operation Iraqi Freedom on *May 20* 2003. Technically, a month after 9/11, we were dropping bombs on Iraq. So we really went to war in 2001...but ok.
Iraqi Freedom was a remarkable display of Military Coalition... Really? What I've heard from US soldiers *I've read some of their blogs* is that they go from town to town searching for any insurgents, and eliminate the enemy. Sometimes they get ambushed, then they again fight the enemy. I wouldn't say there is strict organization, just walking and hoping to find somebody who is pointing a gun at you seems to work (and it does)
American Military Heroism. This is an interesting phrase. People used to not JOIN the military, but they were FORCED to. I wouldn't say that it's heroism, it's just survival of the fittest. The soldiers in Iraq will either kill, or be killed, very simple. In war there are no heroes, there are you and your fellow soldiers. Movies *such as saving private ryan* show heroism in war, but that's just fake hollywood. There are no war heroes, only war veterans.
"Some look back and call this the easy part of the war" Who? I haven't heard that one yet.
Ok, I agree with bush here, something needed to be done about Saddam. He was a dictator, he was crazy, I'll give ya that.
"Because we acted, the United States is safer" were we in a threat? We may have been hit during 9/11 but again, not Iraqi's, terrorists *I'm still open to sugguestions on that* was America in a state of danger?
"People ran to the hills and fought against an emergence of a free Iraq." Not really. I wasn't one of them, but looking at this at a different angle, it may have been that they were fighting against the US coming in and making the Iraqi government into another clone of american "democracy"
well it's not much, but still I'll add on to it. Enjoy :D
Wow, I'm reading about this situation, the Polygamy camp.
What the hell? here, let me copy and paste
Authorities were looking for evidence that the girl, who allegedly gave birth at 15, was married to a 50-year-old, and for records related to other mothers aged 17 and younger. Even with their parents' permission, Texas law forbids girls younger than 16 to marry.
In November, he was sentenced to two consecutive sentences of five years to life in prison in Utah for being an accomplice to the rape of a 14-year-old girl who wed her cousin in an arranged marriage in 2001
These people, this religion, is just retarded. This is MENTALLY INSANE. This is why I'm so against religion, because it allows stupid people like this, to do obscenities like this. You ask how this ties in religion? The group thought that armageddon was near, so they would repopulate the planet when it was dead. Here, directly from the story.
Jessop, author of the polygamy memoir "Escape," said the women dedicated so much time to raising children and their chores because the community emphasized self-sufficiency: Members believe the apocalypse is near, and they will have to start over when the world is destroyed.
So I'm going to leave it at that, pretty short. Demented people.
What the hell? here, let me copy and paste
Authorities were looking for evidence that the girl, who allegedly gave birth at 15, was married to a 50-year-old, and for records related to other mothers aged 17 and younger. Even with their parents' permission, Texas law forbids girls younger than 16 to marry.
In November, he was sentenced to two consecutive sentences of five years to life in prison in Utah for being an accomplice to the rape of a 14-year-old girl who wed her cousin in an arranged marriage in 2001
These people, this religion, is just retarded. This is MENTALLY INSANE. This is why I'm so against religion, because it allows stupid people like this, to do obscenities like this. You ask how this ties in religion? The group thought that armageddon was near, so they would repopulate the planet when it was dead. Here, directly from the story.
Jessop, author of the polygamy memoir "Escape," said the women dedicated so much time to raising children and their chores because the community emphasized self-sufficiency: Members believe the apocalypse is near, and they will have to start over when the world is destroyed.
So I'm going to leave it at that, pretty short. Demented people.
I'm Back!
Ok, after some time of just sitting around, I'm now able to rant...fully.
Today's topic: Money
Money, is also the root of all evil. Why would one say that? Well because, money has become a necessity of life. Yes, you need clothing, food, and shelter, but now what PAYS for that stuff? Money, money is evil. I for one hate money, but I can't live without it. I need it, and I can't stop that need anytime soon. The reason why I'm thinking like this is because of the Transcendentalist views. I mean, maybe I can't live totally on the wilderness, but I would like to deal with almost no money possible. Here, lets look at the problems of money.
Problem A: You can never have enough money. More more and more, you always need more money. Money for this, money for that, you will always need it again and again. Very simply thought, what if we print so much money, that people won't need more? No, that won't work, then the price value goes down. You see?! You need more money, but if there's more then it's worth less, it's like a worm eating itself, IT'S NOT GOING TO EVER FIX ITSELF....
Problem B: Money causes animality in people. Why do people rob banks, shops, or stores? Is it for MONEY? I would say yes, it is, but what happens when they get away from a heist, and guess what, they ran out of money. Then it's back to the bank, or shop, or store to get some more. Very simple. People kill other people for money, the ultimate gold. People lie for money, people cheat for money. People NEED money. Sad.
Just two problems to look at, but all very logical. I would want to burn my money, but I can't, seeing as though I need it. It's a drug, and it's almost impossible to get away from.
Today's topic: Money
Money, is also the root of all evil. Why would one say that? Well because, money has become a necessity of life. Yes, you need clothing, food, and shelter, but now what PAYS for that stuff? Money, money is evil. I for one hate money, but I can't live without it. I need it, and I can't stop that need anytime soon. The reason why I'm thinking like this is because of the Transcendentalist views. I mean, maybe I can't live totally on the wilderness, but I would like to deal with almost no money possible. Here, lets look at the problems of money.
Problem A: You can never have enough money. More more and more, you always need more money. Money for this, money for that, you will always need it again and again. Very simply thought, what if we print so much money, that people won't need more? No, that won't work, then the price value goes down. You see?! You need more money, but if there's more then it's worth less, it's like a worm eating itself, IT'S NOT GOING TO EVER FIX ITSELF....
Problem B: Money causes animality in people. Why do people rob banks, shops, or stores? Is it for MONEY? I would say yes, it is, but what happens when they get away from a heist, and guess what, they ran out of money. Then it's back to the bank, or shop, or store to get some more. Very simple. People kill other people for money, the ultimate gold. People lie for money, people cheat for money. People NEED money. Sad.
Just two problems to look at, but all very logical. I would want to burn my money, but I can't, seeing as though I need it. It's a drug, and it's almost impossible to get away from.
Catching up
For those who may have noticed that I haven't done anything in a while. To put it simply, I want to place a gun to my computer and shoot the living daylights out of it. It's totally gone to hell, De fragmenting it now, so I'm using another computer.
Anyways, some stuffs happened while I was "gone" so I have plenty to talk about.
First of all, my grandmother came to town. This has to be one of the sweetest old ladies ever..seriously. The only problem with her, she has no logic...or very little of it. For example, she wanted to buy a log cabin in the mountains. Previously, she had done no research, and she was just acting on impulse. When my father asked "What would you do if there was a snow storm and you were stuck at the house with no help?" she replied "I would get out some hot cocoa, and play the piano"... yeah, no logic sometimes. But in the end, she isn't going to buy it, due to the fact that it was built horribly.
That's not the point as to why I'm typing this *really I don't know why either* but what I wanted to talk about was our talk on my favorite subject, Religion :D. For those who have read, I have not really been a big fan on religion, and my views follow suit. For example *I use that a lot...* we were talking about a class I took in High school, Comparative Religions, she *being meh grandmother* said that Christianity should not be in that class because it wasn't a religion, but it was a "faith"...I don't understand aren't they the same thing?? It's how all religions think, everybody else is wrong, and you are right. Who gets to make these decisions? God? Some book that's hundreds of years old and has been changed over the course of time? It's like Religion has been used as the backbone...of a lot *can't think of something HUGE* of events. My grandmother even said that Christianity was the purest faith, then I brought up the Crusades...yeah Christianity messed up too. It's like this. People take the Bible, the Torah, the Quiran, the Analects, all of these books TOO SERIOUSLY. Who cares if some guy parted the red sea *FYI wasn't the red sea, more like a lake... north of the Red Sea* who cares about some dude who went fasting for 40 years eating rice, it's not about WHAT happened, it's about WHAT was said. If the bible says "Love thy neighbor" then don't actually LOVE them *seriously, that would be awkward* just be kind to them. What pisses me off is how people say "Love thy neighbor" and "We love christ" when all they freaking do is treat people like crap and drink whenever they go to youth group. What really makes me MAD, like very-very-very MAD, is that this idea has even spread to those who are close to me, for yes, I even once went to a youth group, and some of those who still go to that youth group, are my friends. But now, somebody who goes to that youth group *rofl go to youth group like 5 times* does weed, and soon I'm guessing that the youth group will become something like the others. It's almost like a virus, it's gonna spread, and it seems like there is no way stopping it. It's not just christianity, look at Jihad. That's right terrorists, I'M LOOKIN AT YOU. Follow your religion, but to a certain point. What makes a child an infidel. Tell me how, right now. Why do people, innocent people, need to be sacrificed, what did they do? All of this in order to go up to heaven to be met by 71 dark haired virgins? Talk about power hungry, the only reason as to why they want this...*i'm thinking whether i should say it or not...oh well* the only reason as to why they want that is because they are power hungry. They need somebody to bleed for them. It's...disgusting. I mean C'mon people, I understand war is basic human need, but stop involving innocent people, then using religion as a backbone as to why you are killing.
Quick note before I end religion - Talked to my cousin about mormonism. That's taking the bible 110% seriously. If you wish to follow the bible, then earth was made about..I would like to say maybe 6-10 thousand years ago, if you wonder how i got that, I'll show some other time. But to prove my point, a scientist can dig into the ground and find a rock that is about 50 thousand years old. I was once called a bigot on my own blog..but check out a Youtube video *I know, it's youtube, blah blah blah...* these guys go up to Mormon houses *Salt Lake city* and try to spread the word of Atheism. They got slammed a lot of times.
I'm reading the news right now. "In 2006, Nicholas Bartha, a New York City doctor, blew up his townhouse to avoid giving it to his ex after he was ordered to pay her several million dollars in their divorce case. He died from injuries caused by the blast." ...HOLY CRAP THAT GUY WAS DUMB.
"European Union, NATO to tackle cybercrime" Look I applaud them, I really do. But You can't stop that. The internet has infinite amounts of backdoors. At least they are trying something now.
Quick final touch here on Presidency. It's no longer Republicans vs Democratics. It's republican's vs Demo's vs Woman Demo's vs Black Demo's *That's how magazines and human beings, see it*
Ok, sorry for delay, hopefully I stay up to date more.
Anyways, some stuffs happened while I was "gone" so I have plenty to talk about.
First of all, my grandmother came to town. This has to be one of the sweetest old ladies ever..seriously. The only problem with her, she has no logic...or very little of it. For example, she wanted to buy a log cabin in the mountains. Previously, she had done no research, and she was just acting on impulse. When my father asked "What would you do if there was a snow storm and you were stuck at the house with no help?" she replied "I would get out some hot cocoa, and play the piano"... yeah, no logic sometimes. But in the end, she isn't going to buy it, due to the fact that it was built horribly.
That's not the point as to why I'm typing this *really I don't know why either* but what I wanted to talk about was our talk on my favorite subject, Religion :D. For those who have read, I have not really been a big fan on religion, and my views follow suit. For example *I use that a lot...* we were talking about a class I took in High school, Comparative Religions, she *being meh grandmother* said that Christianity should not be in that class because it wasn't a religion, but it was a "faith"...I don't understand aren't they the same thing?? It's how all religions think, everybody else is wrong, and you are right. Who gets to make these decisions? God? Some book that's hundreds of years old and has been changed over the course of time? It's like Religion has been used as the backbone...of a lot *can't think of something HUGE* of events. My grandmother even said that Christianity was the purest faith, then I brought up the Crusades...yeah Christianity messed up too. It's like this. People take the Bible, the Torah, the Quiran, the Analects, all of these books TOO SERIOUSLY. Who cares if some guy parted the red sea *FYI wasn't the red sea, more like a lake... north of the Red Sea* who cares about some dude who went fasting for 40 years eating rice, it's not about WHAT happened, it's about WHAT was said. If the bible says "Love thy neighbor" then don't actually LOVE them *seriously, that would be awkward* just be kind to them. What pisses me off is how people say "Love thy neighbor" and "We love christ" when all they freaking do is treat people like crap and drink whenever they go to youth group. What really makes me MAD, like very-very-very MAD, is that this idea has even spread to those who are close to me, for yes, I even once went to a youth group, and some of those who still go to that youth group, are my friends. But now, somebody who goes to that youth group *rofl go to youth group like 5 times* does weed, and soon I'm guessing that the youth group will become something like the others. It's almost like a virus, it's gonna spread, and it seems like there is no way stopping it. It's not just christianity, look at Jihad. That's right terrorists, I'M LOOKIN AT YOU. Follow your religion, but to a certain point. What makes a child an infidel. Tell me how, right now. Why do people, innocent people, need to be sacrificed, what did they do? All of this in order to go up to heaven to be met by 71 dark haired virgins? Talk about power hungry, the only reason as to why they want this...*i'm thinking whether i should say it or not...oh well* the only reason as to why they want that is because they are power hungry. They need somebody to bleed for them. It's...disgusting. I mean C'mon people, I understand war is basic human need, but stop involving innocent people, then using religion as a backbone as to why you are killing.
Quick note before I end religion - Talked to my cousin about mormonism. That's taking the bible 110% seriously. If you wish to follow the bible, then earth was made about..I would like to say maybe 6-10 thousand years ago, if you wonder how i got that, I'll show some other time. But to prove my point, a scientist can dig into the ground and find a rock that is about 50 thousand years old. I was once called a bigot on my own blog..but check out a Youtube video *I know, it's youtube, blah blah blah...* these guys go up to Mormon houses *Salt Lake city* and try to spread the word of Atheism. They got slammed a lot of times.
I'm reading the news right now. "In 2006, Nicholas Bartha, a New York City doctor, blew up his townhouse to avoid giving it to his ex after he was ordered to pay her several million dollars in their divorce case. He died from injuries caused by the blast." ...HOLY CRAP THAT GUY WAS DUMB.
"European Union, NATO to tackle cybercrime" Look I applaud them, I really do. But You can't stop that. The internet has infinite amounts of backdoors. At least they are trying something now.
Quick final touch here on Presidency. It's no longer Republicans vs Democratics. It's republican's vs Demo's vs Woman Demo's vs Black Demo's *That's how magazines and human beings, see it*
Ok, sorry for delay, hopefully I stay up to date more.
Super Duper Rant
Haven't made a post in a long time...mostly due to laziness and retarded computer, so...sorry about that, but this is going to be a big one.
It has occured to me that the United States is kind of like Darwinism... In the sense that only the strong survive. I'm not talking about Social Darwinism, no I'm talking about survival of the fittest in the natural world. The strong stay alive, and the ones who are stupid (literally) get lost behind. Seriously, we have to be the dumbest country on the planet. Lets give a couple of examples. I have posted in the past that there was an 8 year old boy who was choking, only problem was he was choking on a rock... Who eats a rock? If it was a mentally handicapped child who was about 4, I would understand, but it was a 8 year old boy, normal mental health and all. Seriously...just not even right. More recently, there was a boy, age 10 with a normal mental condition, died by placing his head inside a sandbox. What the hell!? He put his head inside a sandbox, and suffocated, who would ever even think of doing that?? And now people are blaming the company that made the sandbox, because it was "Too Deep"... but it wasn't their fault. I don't think they would expect a freaking 10 year old to shove his head inside a sandbox, that is literally just retarded. I mean, at the age of 10, boys and girls in china are doing advance mathematical problems, I don't think a child at the age of 10 in our country can even spell Mathematical. The last problem, in Florida, a woman was powerwashing a car, and she wanted to calm down a child, so she sprayed him with the power hose. What the hell?!?! Are you serious?! She wanted to "calm him down"....WITH A POWER HOSE!? FOR GODS SAKE, WHAT ARE WE THINKING PEOPLE!? Has America become so degraded that it has people thinking of things such as's just terrible. After reading some of these examples, I just look at this country and shake my head. It's so stupid that it's wrong. I just want to literally leave this country, and move to either Canada, or Australia. Both of these places are just like America, but they aren't stupid. I actually can't give an example at the moment, but how many times have we heard about stories coming from these places? None? Just somebody answer me, why, WHY ARE WE SO STUPID...
It has occured to me that the United States is kind of like Darwinism... In the sense that only the strong survive. I'm not talking about Social Darwinism, no I'm talking about survival of the fittest in the natural world. The strong stay alive, and the ones who are stupid (literally) get lost behind. Seriously, we have to be the dumbest country on the planet. Lets give a couple of examples. I have posted in the past that there was an 8 year old boy who was choking, only problem was he was choking on a rock... Who eats a rock? If it was a mentally handicapped child who was about 4, I would understand, but it was a 8 year old boy, normal mental health and all. Seriously...just not even right. More recently, there was a boy, age 10 with a normal mental condition, died by placing his head inside a sandbox. What the hell!? He put his head inside a sandbox, and suffocated, who would ever even think of doing that?? And now people are blaming the company that made the sandbox, because it was "Too Deep"... but it wasn't their fault. I don't think they would expect a freaking 10 year old to shove his head inside a sandbox, that is literally just retarded. I mean, at the age of 10, boys and girls in china are doing advance mathematical problems, I don't think a child at the age of 10 in our country can even spell Mathematical. The last problem, in Florida, a woman was powerwashing a car, and she wanted to calm down a child, so she sprayed him with the power hose. What the hell?!?! Are you serious?! She wanted to "calm him down"....WITH A POWER HOSE!? FOR GODS SAKE, WHAT ARE WE THINKING PEOPLE!? Has America become so degraded that it has people thinking of things such as's just terrible. After reading some of these examples, I just look at this country and shake my head. It's so stupid that it's wrong. I just want to literally leave this country, and move to either Canada, or Australia. Both of these places are just like America, but they aren't stupid. I actually can't give an example at the moment, but how many times have we heard about stories coming from these places? None? Just somebody answer me, why, WHY ARE WE SO STUPID...
WTH world
Another What the hell? rant, mixing in some world stuff.
First of all, top story on CNN. Child - 8 - saves friend from choking on a ROCK...a rock. ROCK..rock god people it's a rock, are you seriously this stupid? I mean, i could understand if he was mentally retarded..but he wasn't, he was a 8 year old eating a rock...A FREAKING ROCK. How can you not see a ROCK? Let the kid choke on the rock, he deserves it if he was that stupid.
Ok, in India, a woman gave premature birth on a train, sounds bad, but she was going to the do you not notice this? I mean, you loose about 10 pounds in about 30 seconds....this is an impossible situation to not notice??? I've seen videos, it's something that you will notice...
basically this just shows how people are just stupid...i love stupid peolpe yet i hate them...
First of all, top story on CNN. Child - 8 - saves friend from choking on a ROCK...a rock. ROCK..rock god people it's a rock, are you seriously this stupid? I mean, i could understand if he was mentally retarded..but he wasn't, he was a 8 year old eating a rock...A FREAKING ROCK. How can you not see a ROCK? Let the kid choke on the rock, he deserves it if he was that stupid.
Ok, in India, a woman gave premature birth on a train, sounds bad, but she was going to the do you not notice this? I mean, you loose about 10 pounds in about 30 seconds....this is an impossible situation to not notice??? I've seen videos, it's something that you will notice...
basically this just shows how people are just stupid...i love stupid peolpe yet i hate them...
Ok, easy rant for today. Addiction, the term used by those who place the idea apon people. But why is it placed? It's not like they can't control themselves.
Look at this for example. Cigarettes *can't spell, i know* have nicotine which messes with your brain. Now you can say that it's not their fault they smoke...but think about it. If ya don't smoke the thing in the first place, then ya won't get addicted to it. It's really simple people, I mean c'mon.
Then you look at those who drink. Drinking is considered something that is done due to no. I know plenty of people who drink and not because they are depressed, sorry wrong diagnosis. People drink because they think that they are having a good time. They think that if they drink, they are happy. That's your mind that tells you that, probably because of peer pressure. For example. I know a person who got drunk, and came into school one day. She was arrested, blah blah blah, then because she is having a problem, her aunt and uncle come down on their jet. Well it crashes..and they die. That's just terrible, I mean, if that ever happened to me I would blame alcohol and never drink it again. Well it's been about 3 years, and guess what, she's back on drinking. Wow. Stupidity at its finest. Sad really.
Look at this for example. Cigarettes *can't spell, i know* have nicotine which messes with your brain. Now you can say that it's not their fault they smoke...but think about it. If ya don't smoke the thing in the first place, then ya won't get addicted to it. It's really simple people, I mean c'mon.
Then you look at those who drink. Drinking is considered something that is done due to no. I know plenty of people who drink and not because they are depressed, sorry wrong diagnosis. People drink because they think that they are having a good time. They think that if they drink, they are happy. That's your mind that tells you that, probably because of peer pressure. For example. I know a person who got drunk, and came into school one day. She was arrested, blah blah blah, then because she is having a problem, her aunt and uncle come down on their jet. Well it crashes..and they die. That's just terrible, I mean, if that ever happened to me I would blame alcohol and never drink it again. Well it's been about 3 years, and guess what, she's back on drinking. Wow. Stupidity at its finest. Sad really.
Time for my What the Hell rant, something to look at things and just say "What the hell???"
First to start, what is it with people on the phone, and they need to go to the bathroom...and they go to the bathroom while on the phone. I mean...what the hell??? Why? What is the purpose of them going to the bathroom while on the phone, that would just disturb me if I was on the other end. It's like, you are having a conversation with somebody, and you hear them grunt "HURGH! Yeah I...AUUUG! Know..." seriously disturbing. But why? Do people not have the ability to hang up the phone?? It seems laziness has increased so much...
Ok ok, in Illinois we all know what happened there... so I have to talk about it *god forbid I don't* I mean....why is there the need for copycats? I guess other people just have the need to do something increasingly stupid. Look at it this way. Yes, you may be depressed, I can understand how you feel. Why would you need to buy a freaking gun, and mow down your classmates??? Is there ANY point into this? Just want attention? Then strip naked and run in front of the white house, that would work well. And to the gun shops, WHAT THE HELL???? Is it ebay? Are these people getting the guns off of ebay? Or are people coming into your store and buying weapons...I think it's the latter. If it was ebay, then maybe the people in charge of Ebay should be a little more strict. But god forbid if there's control over Ebay.
Last thing to talk about here, the joys of VALENTINES DAY! Seeing as it just passed, I have finally noticed that Valentines day is not a day to be nice to people *such know what I don't know right now, blarg!* But instead, you have to buy CHOCOLATE. What is Valentines day without CHOCOLATE? Maybe it's the fact that people have the feeling to buy a ton of crap on Valentines day. For example, I currently work at a chocolate store. There, people were buying about 50-800$ worth of CHOCOLATE. What the hell? I mean...if you have the money to spend 800 DOLLARS WORTH OF CHOCOLATE, give some of that to some hobo...make his day. But no, we need CHOCOLATE.
HOORAY, I'm done. Now, i burn wood!
Religion pwnage
So...because I'm just here at this moment...and I feel like ranting, I'm going to rant once again, about religion.
This is going to be a long one...don't expect people to read all of it ;) Going to use headers for the ideas.
Oh, this is a joyous one. How many versions of heaven exist today? There are about 7 main areas (Christianity having about 7 views of Heaven itself) So...who's right? Is it the Christians who are right, in which they believe that the Jews will go to hell because of what they did to Jesus...or is it the Jews who are right for they think that they will be saved by the real messiah. Are the Islamics right in which there are layers in heaven? Or are the Buddhists right in their ways of reaching "Nirvana". Nobody knows...yet everybody seems to think that they know. Lets look at the Jihadists. They think that if they blow up an infidel *people of U.S., that's us* they will be sent to heaven and will meet 71 dark haired virgins... ok kind of random there. But the point is, people right now are dieing because of these people, and the Christians going at it over who is right about heaven. The more we try to influence them, the more they strap a bomb to their chest and die, thus accomplishing the mission to get to heaven. Also, I love the qualifications to get to heaven. Here, I'll make a checklist of the religions and I will see if I get to heaven in any of them.
Baha'i - Yes...but I'm not going to be very high up on the layer system of heaven
Christianity - No due to the "not believing"
Hinduism - Yes, due to the "good deeds"
Buddhism - ...I'm trying to fully understand, but what I can get out of it is that No, I can't drop my earthly bonds.
Islam - No not "turning to god"
Judaism - No again for "not believing"
Maori *Polynesia* - ....Yes...? No idea.
So looking at this, the religions most NOT involved with wars and such...I'm good. Kind of funny there. But this leads to my last point on this. What is the point in heaven? Seriously, is it because of the idea that there is a end after life is all done? Here's a question, what is the #1 most used word in the bible..or any holy text about heaven? Give up? It's paradise. Now, what does Paradise mean? Yes, heaven, but that was used to describe heaven about when the bible was created..or the notes made used to create it. Paradise has been around for about 4 THOUSAND years prior to that event. The Aryans were the ones to first use it, to describe a "walled" garden *...not going into adam and eve, sorry* so really, it's the wrong use of the word in the first place. Somebody, tell me, tell me I'm wrong. I've been told, straight to the face, that I'm going to hell. So somebody, tell me that I'm wrong about all of this, and it's all fake.
was going to type more..but i'm tired, peace
This is going to be a long one...don't expect people to read all of it ;) Going to use headers for the ideas.
Oh, this is a joyous one. How many versions of heaven exist today? There are about 7 main areas (Christianity having about 7 views of Heaven itself) So...who's right? Is it the Christians who are right, in which they believe that the Jews will go to hell because of what they did to Jesus...or is it the Jews who are right for they think that they will be saved by the real messiah. Are the Islamics right in which there are layers in heaven? Or are the Buddhists right in their ways of reaching "Nirvana". Nobody knows...yet everybody seems to think that they know. Lets look at the Jihadists. They think that if they blow up an infidel *people of U.S., that's us* they will be sent to heaven and will meet 71 dark haired virgins... ok kind of random there. But the point is, people right now are dieing because of these people, and the Christians going at it over who is right about heaven. The more we try to influence them, the more they strap a bomb to their chest and die, thus accomplishing the mission to get to heaven. Also, I love the qualifications to get to heaven. Here, I'll make a checklist of the religions and I will see if I get to heaven in any of them.
Baha'i - Yes...but I'm not going to be very high up on the layer system of heaven
Christianity - No due to the "not believing"
Hinduism - Yes, due to the "good deeds"
Buddhism - ...I'm trying to fully understand, but what I can get out of it is that No, I can't drop my earthly bonds.
Islam - No not "turning to god"
Judaism - No again for "not believing"
Maori *Polynesia* - ....Yes...? No idea.
So looking at this, the religions most NOT involved with wars and such...I'm good. Kind of funny there. But this leads to my last point on this. What is the point in heaven? Seriously, is it because of the idea that there is a end after life is all done? Here's a question, what is the #1 most used word in the bible..or any holy text about heaven? Give up? It's paradise. Now, what does Paradise mean? Yes, heaven, but that was used to describe heaven about when the bible was created..or the notes made used to create it. Paradise has been around for about 4 THOUSAND years prior to that event. The Aryans were the ones to first use it, to describe a "walled" garden *...not going into adam and eve, sorry* so really, it's the wrong use of the word in the first place. Somebody, tell me, tell me I'm wrong. I've been told, straight to the face, that I'm going to hell. So somebody, tell me that I'm wrong about all of this, and it's all fake.
was going to type more..but i'm tired, peace
Well, just found out. Apparently I'm failing High school. Don't know if I really care...or if I don't really care. I guess in a way I do. My parents are flying off the handle, and they are worried about the fact that I'm handling this situation with little emotion. It's not that I don't care...just don't want to fly off the handle or anything. I don't know really what's going to happen...I never have. Should just do my work, but I just don't. Nice job reid.
Well, I guess you have figured out..i need to update more. So, i've decided that once a week, I'm going to do a "World-rant". Basically, this is just a rant about things going on in the world right now. Enjoy Week 1 :D
First of all, reading an article about home here in USA. In Ohio, a cheating boyfriend is blamed for the death of his month old daughter. He didn't kill the daughter, it was the girlfriend. How did she kill the daughter? By a microwave. Wow. A piece of shit person killed her freaking child, by shoving her in a damn microwave, just because her boyfriend was cheating. What in gods name is wrong with you? YOU DON'T KILL A CHILD BECAUSE OF PRE-MARRITAL ISSUES. ARE YOU BEYOND STUPID?!? YOU KILLED A BABY BY A MICROWAVE. DON'T LET HER LIVE, GIVE HER AT LEAST LIFE. Way to go you dumb bitch, hopefully people will feel the ability to forgive you, for your stupid crime, for a stupid reason. Rot in hell.
Chad just got completely dominated by rebels. The city was under attack on Saturday, and caused about 20,000 people to run to Cameroon. Not really much to talk about. I feel sorry for Africa really. Some places have gotten it under control, but look at the big picture. The Congo is just a huge warzone, new genocides break out every 5 years or so, it just seems like people can't live together over there. I also found out that Kenya went haywire due to rebel uprisings, only reason why I know that is because my mother couldn't go on her mission trip there anymore. Actually, the poorest countries in the world reside in Africa. You may think it's Afghanistan, or Fuji *in reality, they have a nice income due to plenty of tourists* In reality, it's Ethiopia, and the Congo. Ethiopia is at an amazing 180$ GDP. That means that the average person makes 180 dollars...per year. The Congo? They are at 70$ GDP. That's just amazing. I make more money than both of those countries combined...just makes me feel like a rich jerk...
Ok, last one. Superbowl. I'm happy that the giants won, Patriots won too many games in my opinion *lol*. But, I've looked it over. If Brady wasn't stupid and tried to throw 75 yards at the end, 4 times in a row, they could have TIED the game. All Brady was doing was chucking the ball as hard as he could for a touchdown. Here's an idea, why don't we get a field goal, go into overtime, then WIN? Nice job pats.
Enjoy :D
First of all, reading an article about home here in USA. In Ohio, a cheating boyfriend is blamed for the death of his month old daughter. He didn't kill the daughter, it was the girlfriend. How did she kill the daughter? By a microwave. Wow. A piece of shit person killed her freaking child, by shoving her in a damn microwave, just because her boyfriend was cheating. What in gods name is wrong with you? YOU DON'T KILL A CHILD BECAUSE OF PRE-MARRITAL ISSUES. ARE YOU BEYOND STUPID?!? YOU KILLED A BABY BY A MICROWAVE. DON'T LET HER LIVE, GIVE HER AT LEAST LIFE. Way to go you dumb bitch, hopefully people will feel the ability to forgive you, for your stupid crime, for a stupid reason. Rot in hell.
Chad just got completely dominated by rebels. The city was under attack on Saturday, and caused about 20,000 people to run to Cameroon. Not really much to talk about. I feel sorry for Africa really. Some places have gotten it under control, but look at the big picture. The Congo is just a huge warzone, new genocides break out every 5 years or so, it just seems like people can't live together over there. I also found out that Kenya went haywire due to rebel uprisings, only reason why I know that is because my mother couldn't go on her mission trip there anymore. Actually, the poorest countries in the world reside in Africa. You may think it's Afghanistan, or Fuji *in reality, they have a nice income due to plenty of tourists* In reality, it's Ethiopia, and the Congo. Ethiopia is at an amazing 180$ GDP. That means that the average person makes 180 dollars...per year. The Congo? They are at 70$ GDP. That's just amazing. I make more money than both of those countries combined...just makes me feel like a rich jerk...
Ok, last one. Superbowl. I'm happy that the giants won, Patriots won too many games in my opinion *lol*. But, I've looked it over. If Brady wasn't stupid and tried to throw 75 yards at the end, 4 times in a row, they could have TIED the game. All Brady was doing was chucking the ball as hard as he could for a touchdown. Here's an idea, why don't we get a field goal, go into overtime, then WIN? Nice job pats.
Enjoy :D
Because I am bored...and done with my English exam (these seem easy this year...or maybe that's just me) so I thought i would catch up on some things happening right now.
First of all, Heath Ledger *hope i spelled last name right* that really does suck. I mean...sleeping pills? I've never heard of a person dying from Sleeping Pills. He was a great actor, sorry to see him leave. I'll watch the new batman movie out of respect for the man.
The stock market, I laughed at this. Everybody crashes, but my stock goes up, woo!
Ok, britney spears, she just went to plead for court rights to see her sons...what is wrong with this family?!? I mean, her sister, 16 and pregnant, and britney has just lost it. Almost killing her family *federline included* over god knows what, probably the kids...seriously don't give the woman rights, throw her in an insane asylum...
I found something actually, in Afghanistan, a man is going to die due to an article he made, having to deal with Islam. I understand there are different cultures, but it just seems that this culture is going insane, and what's funny is that they have lasted for over a thousand years! After seeing some of the recent events unfold, you would expect all of the Islamic countries to kill each other...
Found something with stupid people, I have to copy and paste this...because I don't belive it myself. "BEIJING (Reuters) - An incensed Chinese couple, videotaped hugging and kissing on a subway platform, plan to sue the subway's operator after the video was uploaded to Youtube and other Web sites, attracting thousands of hits" ROFL. Wow, these people are just...stupid. If you are public, somethings are going to happen. 1. People will stare, it's kind of odd to just passiontley kiss in public. 2. If you kiss in a place with a camera, people will again STARE. 3. Camera's have tape recorders, people obviously thought it was funny that these people were doing this in public, and posted it on youtube. Wow, aren't stupid people great?
I'm looking on wikipedia *ain't it great?* just found out. Luciano Pavarotti, great man, had a wonderful voice, he died in 2007. Now i need to find some of my fathers Cd's of him...if we have them. I've heard this music before, and I personally wish everybody would listen to it. And Evel Knievel died too. The man passed away, with a legacy of daredevil acts. Always like watching him on the history channel, too bad.
not really much, bunch of small rants, enjoy
First of all, Heath Ledger *hope i spelled last name right* that really does suck. I mean...sleeping pills? I've never heard of a person dying from Sleeping Pills. He was a great actor, sorry to see him leave. I'll watch the new batman movie out of respect for the man.
The stock market, I laughed at this. Everybody crashes, but my stock goes up, woo!
Ok, britney spears, she just went to plead for court rights to see her sons...what is wrong with this family?!? I mean, her sister, 16 and pregnant, and britney has just lost it. Almost killing her family *federline included* over god knows what, probably the kids...seriously don't give the woman rights, throw her in an insane asylum...
I found something actually, in Afghanistan, a man is going to die due to an article he made, having to deal with Islam. I understand there are different cultures, but it just seems that this culture is going insane, and what's funny is that they have lasted for over a thousand years! After seeing some of the recent events unfold, you would expect all of the Islamic countries to kill each other...
Found something with stupid people, I have to copy and paste this...because I don't belive it myself. "BEIJING (Reuters) - An incensed Chinese couple, videotaped hugging and kissing on a subway platform, plan to sue the subway's operator after the video was uploaded to Youtube and other Web sites, attracting thousands of hits" ROFL. Wow, these people are just...stupid. If you are public, somethings are going to happen. 1. People will stare, it's kind of odd to just passiontley kiss in public. 2. If you kiss in a place with a camera, people will again STARE. 3. Camera's have tape recorders, people obviously thought it was funny that these people were doing this in public, and posted it on youtube. Wow, aren't stupid people great?
I'm looking on wikipedia *ain't it great?* just found out. Luciano Pavarotti, great man, had a wonderful voice, he died in 2007. Now i need to find some of my fathers Cd's of him...if we have them. I've heard this music before, and I personally wish everybody would listen to it. And Evel Knievel died too. The man passed away, with a legacy of daredevil acts. Always like watching him on the history channel, too bad.
not really much, bunch of small rants, enjoy
Ok, what is it with people and snow?
Serious here, there are kids in my school who run around and go "OMFG!! IT'S SNOWING!! IT'S LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE!!!" it's like crack to these people. It's snow. Nothing super special, just snow. Kind of leads to the idea of why are people so stupid for stupid things? Snow is a big example, i've talked about africa and how we seemed to JUST notice that it's in trouble, it's africa, it's always in trouble. For gods sake, on DvD covers, it says that the black bars on the top and bottom of the screen are normal, are people this stupid? Look, there is a hot cup of coffee on my lap, by increasing my speed quickly, the coffee won't spill, but look, it did and now I sue McDonalds. Nooooo. Stop being stupid..stupid stupid people. seriously, stupid.
Serious here, there are kids in my school who run around and go "OMFG!! IT'S SNOWING!! IT'S LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE!!!" it's like crack to these people. It's snow. Nothing super special, just snow. Kind of leads to the idea of why are people so stupid for stupid things? Snow is a big example, i've talked about africa and how we seemed to JUST notice that it's in trouble, it's africa, it's always in trouble. For gods sake, on DvD covers, it says that the black bars on the top and bottom of the screen are normal, are people this stupid? Look, there is a hot cup of coffee on my lap, by increasing my speed quickly, the coffee won't spill, but look, it did and now I sue McDonalds. Nooooo. Stop being stupid..stupid stupid people. seriously, stupid.
New yearrrrrrrr!
Tired, went to party, all night long, blarg.
Basically, person said i had depressing year, i thought it was funny actually. But the skins? No, bad skins, BAD REDSKINS, you get my hopes up and crush them, short blog today
Basically, person said i had depressing year, i thought it was funny actually. But the skins? No, bad skins, BAD REDSKINS, you get my hopes up and crush them, short blog today
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This blog is simply for me to let loose some demons somehow... feel free to comment, want to see what people think about my ideas. Thanks
**Update** I have invited some friends of mine who personally, I know deep down inside they are incredibly smart, but like me, act stupid 99% of the time. If they piss you off, tell it in a comment, and they shall feel my wrath! Thanks, keep up the comments!
*PLEASE READ* Just a warning, got it from a reader, yes there is vulgar language in this blog, so if you read it...shouldn't hurt you. Just giving out a warning.
**Update** I have invited some friends of mine who personally, I know deep down inside they are incredibly smart, but like me, act stupid 99% of the time. If they piss you off, tell it in a comment, and they shall feel my wrath! Thanks, keep up the comments!
*PLEASE READ* Just a warning, got it from a reader, yes there is vulgar language in this blog, so if you read it...shouldn't hurt you. Just giving out a warning.