
catching up

Ok, haven't been on in a while, stupid computer can't even axcess the internet anymore, so screw it.

To rev people back up to speed, november was a..fun month. List form!

- Decided that I am going to join the marines

- Realized that philosophy and religions don't mix

- Had thanksgiving....mmm turkey

- Realized that 99.9% of the people that visit the mall I work at are stupid

- and much more!

i'll touch up on every topic...

First off, marines. Yes, going into the military, boot camp starts after senior year and I get to head to this wonderful little island with sand and wood ticks, woo! Nothing else there really, short and simple.

I realized that religion and philosophy don't mix, why? Because people do not have open minds with religion... for example, we are starting on ethics. We talked about Homosexuality. Personally, I got nothing against gay people, but for some reason it's the biggest topic in the universe apparently. It's kind of funny of how the religious nuts in our class say "Homosexuality is bad" and then they say that the bible doesn't say that "Homosexuality is bad"...I no understand. In the bible...it says that "Things that go against the natural order, are bad" no, it doesn't say that exactly, but you get the jist of it. Besides, even if the bible didn't say that, you are still saying that homosexuality is bad..for the same reason. Then, there's always that ONE FREAKING PERSON that has to go to the problem of the idea of god's existence. I hate that topic, I hate it with all my soul....because it will never go anywhere. We started talking about it, and the kid who brought up the topic (by the way, he is currently reading a bible that is on his desk >.>) says that "God is real because the bible says so"...kind of funny how this happens...due to the bible. First of all, this is PHILOSOPHY, what is philosophy? The understanding of everything...or the saying that we are wrong at everything whatever. It's not the understanding of god. If you want to preach about god and whatever your religion is, please do not do it at school...in philosophy class. Big no no. I'm sharing some bigotry here, but hey, it's my point of view so ha!

Thanksgiving...mmm turkey and mashed potatoes....mmmm

Ok, the mall. I work at Godiva in the Dulles Town Center mall in Sterling Virginia...and the people who go there are impossibly either stupid...or just morons. Three good examples of this. 1. We are having a semi-slow day, and this man walks in. He strolls towards our strawberries dipped in chocolate (which by the way are in a case with a sign next to it saying "need assistance") and take a guess of what he did. He just grabbed one up and started eating it... What the fuck. Are you serious? Is a person THAT stupid to think that an item in a case is a sample...?? No, no no no no no no no no. Stupid. Then a guy comes in the same day, and asks if those are samples. No, no no no no no. 2. So we have shakes, and they are damn good, but a woman comes up and asks "are there any sugar free shakes?" ....lady....this is GODIVA CHOCOLATE. The term SUGAR FREE should not exist except for only 3 chocolate types..which are in the corner. 3. This just happens all the time, but people come in and ask how much our chocolate is. When we tell them our price, they put on a wild face and go "Are you kidding me!?" yes, and do you want me to wipe your ass while i'm at it? No. This is GODIVA CHOCOLATE it is REAL chocolate, not HERSEY KISSES, not SNICKERS, no this is as close as you can get to belgian chocolate..in america. It's going to be expensive. Stop being stupid. And to end this, abicrombie the store, smells like ass, and they play the same FREAKING MUSIC OVER AND OVER FOR 5 HOURS STRAIGHT.......DAMMMIT. Enjoy, hopefully more updates...will use other computers.

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Blog Info

This blog is simply for me to let loose some demons somehow... feel free to comment, want to see what people think about my ideas. Thanks

**Update** I have invited some friends of mine who personally, I know deep down inside they are incredibly smart, but like me, act stupid 99% of the time. If they piss you off, tell it in a comment, and they shall feel my wrath! Thanks, keep up the comments!

*PLEASE READ* Just a warning, got it from a reader, yes there is vulgar language in this blog, so if you read it...shouldn't hurt you. Just giving out a warning.