
more catching up!

Ha! On another computer and i'm bored as anything. So I'm still working on "katching" up! (HA A PUN, EAT IT)

To quickly say something, Call of Duty 4 is amazing. Done, said it, woot.

Now on to the rants.

First rant: Movies

What is up with movies these days? They are not good...or about 5% out of all of them are good. For example, this weekend I saw some movies on TV (National Treasure, Final Destination 2, and Freddy Vs Jason) National Treasure, not bad, has action but nicholas cage is an alright actor...he reminds me of neo from the matrix...he has the exact same pitch with his voice..>.> Final Destination 2, terrible, I was laughing so hard because it sucked so much. For example, there is a kid scaring pigeons and jumping around, somehow this causes a person to stop controlling a crane, which is carrying a glass plate over the kids head...and he dropped it. Right on the kid, I couldn't stop laughing. That's just bad luck. Another thing, on a highway, a truck with a full load of trees breaks, so a log falls off and impales a man in the head (one down) then a woman with a child in the car tries to stop but APPARENTLY a water bottle has caused her break to not work because it's behind it, so they crash into a log (3 down) then another guy is driving..like an idiot and he crashes into a gas tank, apparently his seatbelt has fused to him, and he can't get out. This movie, sucks, no don't go, don't think about it, run away. Finally, Freddy Vs Jason, good fuck no. Since when has a movie sucked so much? I was laughing like a mad man. You know what, i can't even explain it, it just sucked past anything imaginable on this planet, and yes that's more than The Village.

So movies are done, blah. I'll rant again soon

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This blog is simply for me to let loose some demons somehow... feel free to comment, want to see what people think about my ideas. Thanks

**Update** I have invited some friends of mine who personally, I know deep down inside they are incredibly smart, but like me, act stupid 99% of the time. If they piss you off, tell it in a comment, and they shall feel my wrath! Thanks, keep up the comments!

*PLEASE READ* Just a warning, got it from a reader, yes there is vulgar language in this blog, so if you read it...shouldn't hurt you. Just giving out a warning.