


I do not want to be at school, should of had a snow day but nooooo, the county hates us, oh well time for me to think.

In philosophy class, we had a person say "God never makes mistakes" and I replied "Platapus, what about the platapus?" the person shut up, owned.

But seriously, if you are that concieted in thinking that your religion is right *by all means do so, freedom of religion* can you give examples of how god never makes mistakes? If this so called "Perfect" being is...perfect, then how and why does he make mistakes? Short, but answer and discuss

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Blog Info

This blog is simply for me to let loose some demons somehow... feel free to comment, want to see what people think about my ideas. Thanks

**Update** I have invited some friends of mine who personally, I know deep down inside they are incredibly smart, but like me, act stupid 99% of the time. If they piss you off, tell it in a comment, and they shall feel my wrath! Thanks, keep up the comments!

*PLEASE READ* Just a warning, got it from a reader, yes there is vulgar language in this blog, so if you read it...shouldn't hurt you. Just giving out a warning.